Annual report 2022

Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Christian Wismann
Status: Current
Date Posted: Thu, 19 Jan 2023



Income Expense
MD Fees   £4,365.00
Rehearsal space £55,00 £2,403.00
Pianist   £390.00
Website   £301.00
Performance uniform   £271.00
Various Voices registration   £152.00
Insurance   £55.00
LEGATO membership fee   £26.00
Membership fees £8,160.00  
Total £8,215.00 £8,018.00
Balance £197.00  


  Rehearsals Socials Performances Workshops New members events
JAN 4 1 after rehearsal social      
FEB 4 1 after rehearsal social      
MAR 4 2 after rehearsal socials     March saw the first new members taster of the year. 19 interested/7 attended/2 signed up.
APR 4 1 after rehearsal social + 1 meal out   We had a workshop in St George's led by vocal coach Wendy Sergeant  
MAY 4 1 after rehearsal social      
JUN 4 1 after rehearsal social We performed in front of an audience for the very first time. We had invited a select crowd to watch the dress rehearsal before our first ever public performance.    
JUL 1 1 social to replace a rehearsal Our very first public performance at Sing Out for Bristol Pride at St George's.    
AUG 2 2 after rehearsal socials     1 new members event after the summer holidays. 10 interested/8 attended/8 signed up.
SEP 5 1 after rehearsal social      
OCT 3 2 after rehearsal socials We were invited to sing at Sing Out Bristol's annual concert in St Georges.   We also had a new members eve in October which saw 8 new members joining the choir.
NOV 4 1 after rehearsal social + BGMC Christmas meal out   For our second workshop of the year we went to test if we could learn a song in a day - and it turns out we could!  
DEC 3 1 end of year social replacing a rehearsal For our third and last performance of the year we joined The Chandeliers in Portishead for a Christmas themed concert.